// Diplomatic Escort Mission .Matt & Peter Mackey.
<MISS = EAR, DES = 0100:0400:Sirius 4, RAR= 001,TIL= 048,>
// Upon Destination Arrival...
#reportStatus,Entering orbit around Sirius 4.,
#executeGoal,Captain: Beam up first diplomatic party.,>
<MSG00 = [1:"Retrieved diplomats from their home worlds.", 2:"Safely delivered them to the peace conference.", 3:"Persuaded them to join the Federation."]>
<MSG01 = Let's get under way.<SWAP=Target;BluePlanet_icon>>
<MSG03 = >
<MSG04 = <HEAR=action@FLYB=SmStarbaseBG;ByOut>Captain to crew: This is a delicate diplomatic mission. Let's try to make our guests feel as welcome as possible.>
<MSG05 = Re-docking.<HEAR=link>>
#hover,Standard orbit.,
//gonna beam up the first group
#beamAwayTeam,Attempting to beam up the diplomatic party from Sirius 4.,
#crewComp,0 0 0 0 0 0,
#otherSpeaks, Diplomatic party safely on board Captain.,
#captainSpeaks, Very good. Let's proceed to Alaria 3 for their representatives.,
#captainSpeaks, MSG27,
#captainSpeaks,If only we had a functional holodeck...,
//our guest escapes...
#launchShuttleCraft, 105 405 passengers,
#lifeFormScan, 105 405,
#otherSpeaks,Tractor beams not locking-on. Shuttle is escaping toward the planet.,
#captainSpeaks,Great Ceasar's Ghost. Send a message to the consulate on Sirius 4 and tell them their Ambassador is heading home. Unescorted.,
#captainSpeaks,Post a message to headquarters.,
#otherSpeaks,Shuttle equipment malfunction. It wont be going anywhere.,
#captainSpeaks,For once I'm happy we have faulty hardware.,
//same escape sequence runs...
//our guest escapes...
#launchShuttleCraft, 105 405 passengers,
#lifeFormScan, 105 405,
#otherSpeaks,Tractor beams not locking-on. Shuttle is escaping toward the planet.,
#captainSpeaks,Great Ceasar's Ghost. Send a message to the consulate on Sirius 4 and tell them their Ambassador is heading home. Unescorted.,
#captainSpeaks,Post a message to headquarters.,
#otherSpeaks,Shuttle equipment malfunction. It wont be going anywhere.,
#captainSpeaks,For once I'm happy we have faulty hardware.,
#hover,Standard orbit.,
//gonna beam up the second group
#beamAwayTeam,Attempting to beam up our second diplomatic party.,
#crewComp,0 0 0 0 0 0,
#captainSpeaks, Ok. We have them.,
#otherSpeaks,Transporters are not functioning Captain.,
//might run into enemy now
#evadeDetection,Keep a sharp lookout for hostile forces in this area.,
#encounterAlien,They found us!,
#hover,Alaira 3. Standard orbit.,
#beamAwayTeam,Beam down the diplomatic teams.,
#crewComp, 2 0 0 0 5 0,
#captainSpeaks, They're on the surface.,
#goal3achieved,Well done!,
#otherSpeaks,Negotiations not going well. We are still trying.,
#otherSpeaks,Finally getting some agreement!,
#goal3achieved,Well done!,
#otherSpeaks, MSG28,
#otherSpeaks,Don't seem to be able to get them off the ship.,
#captainSpeaks,That is absurd. The transporters were working before!,
#otherSpeaks,I'm sorry Captain. That's just the way it is. The transporters are off-line.,
// Execute Phase messages
<MSG26 = Transporter malfunction, Captain.>
<MSG27 = Well, I guess we can't do any good out here!<HEAR=fail>>
<MSG28 = Unable to beam the entire diplomatic team. And they refuse to use the shuttlecraft, so that option is out.>
<MSG25 = Let's go get the other ambassador.<SWAP=Target;DestMark_icon>>
<MSG29 = Set course for Alaira 3. <SWAP=Target;Earth_icon@HEAR=process>>
<MSG30 = Engage.<FLYB=BluePlntBG;warp>>
<MSG31 = Head for the peace conference.<SWAP=Target;RedPlanet_icon>>
<MSG32 = We were able to persuade them to join the federation.>
<MSG33 = Beam down the diplomatic teams. Make sure to include a few members of our command staff and some support personnel.>
<MSG34 = They're down.>
<MSG35 = Don't seem to be able to get them off the ship.>
<MSG36 = Engage.<FLYB=CloudyEarthBG;ByOut>>
<MSG37 = >
<MSG38 = Apprise Starfleet of our situation and request orders.>
<MSG39 = Prepare to depart.>
<MSG11=The Ambassador from Sirius 4 seems quite agitated, Captain.<HEAR=link>>
<MSG12=Captain: What about?>
<MSG13=I believe the Ambassador is claustrophobic!>
<MSG14=Captain: Maybe a visit to my Navajo Southwest program on the holodeck would alleviate that closed-in feeling.>
<MSG15=I'll arrange for that right away.>
<MSG16=The Universal Translator seems dysfunctional. I have no idea what the Ambassdor wants.>
//no holdeck? im outta here...
<MSG17=Uh oh! The Ambassador is heading for the shuttlebay!>
<MSG18=Captain: Send a friendly security team to assist the Ambassador back to quarters.>
<MSG19=Chief of Security: It seems the Ambassador is desparate to get off the ship, Captain.>
<MSG20=Captain: See if you can persuade the dear Ambassador that we offer plenty of space to roam around in. Possibly with an armed escort?>
<MSG21=Chief of Security: I think the Ambassador is understanding that message, Captain.>
<MSG22=Captain: Good. Let's move on, then.>
<MSG23=The Ambassador is attempting to override the shuttle launch codes, Captain.>
<MSG41=Captain: Good grief.>
<MSG42=Somehow, a shuttle is departing, Captain.<NSRT=shuttleBy>>
<MSG43=Scan for lifeforms on that shuttle.<SWAP=activeShip;scan>>
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-, Remain there pending next mission., #HQCmd1,>
<MO_HQ_EV2 =Captain to Admiral: It seems the Ambassador from Sirius 4 is allergic to something in the ship's environment. Shall we remain here, or is this mission over?,
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-, Remain there pending next mission., #HQCmd2,>
<MO_HQ_EV3 =Vessel suffered an unrepairable failure. Mission cannot proceed. Make sure appropriate systems and crew are present and that crew complement is adequate.,
#simOver,-, Acknowledged., #simOver,-,, #HQCmd3,>
<MO_HQ_EV4 = We are under attack by superior enemy forces.,
#closeMission,-, Withdraw., #fightEnemy,-, Continue to fight., #HQCmd4,>
<MO_HQ_EV5 = Warp drive malfunction. Redocking. Check the log for possible missing equipment or inadequate ship efficiency.,
<MO_HQ_EV6 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd6,>
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,30,50,Black hole in area, #asteroid,80,100,Asteroid field,>